My name is Bill and I worked for DOD contractors on Wake Island for over 32 year time period in a variety of aviation positions. I have a Commercial Pilot license with Instrument Rating. I am currently retired and interested in making some money in an Online business. My wife, Sue is a retired RN. She has been in the healthcare field for over 30 years.


When we retired from our respective careers, we found we needed extra income as there was no retirement plan from DOD contractors (remember – lowest bid!) and nursing companies. We tried various “Home Businesses” from MLM companies to internet marketing training plans. All promised the “moon” but most delivered very little.

When I discovered Wealthy Affiliates I was skeptical at first. I wasn’t too excited about getting into another “bust.” But when I saw that you didn’t have to invest anything to find out what it was all about; I figured it was worth a try to see what they had to offer.

After signing on with them at the Starter Level, which is free, I saw that they started with training step #1 instead of step #55 (which is what many companies do…starting at Step #55). I knew virtually nothing about SEO, websites internet marketing, and neither did my wife.

We started out together (with the approval of the founder, Kyle) and have worked together in learning all these things about Affiliate Marketing. There is so much more that Wealthy Affiliates teaches than the just basics but that is what we needed. At Wealthy Affiliates you go from the Basics to the Advanced.

Now one or two teachers could not know everything about this business. This is where the WA Community comes in. These are very friendly members of the WA Community who have been around a while with WA and or have had vast experience in the Internet and Internet Marketing.  Are they being paid to be helpful and friendly?  The main reason the community is the way they are (very Friendly) is there is no competition amount the members.

The experienced members of the WA Community have learned much of their expertise at WA and now share this knowledge with the rest of the Community. This is why there is so much more training you can receive as a Premium member.

The Wealthy Affiliate Community is a fun area as you can make friends within the group who can help you whether it is technical or just plain encouragement when things get a little blue.  The WA community can answer any of your questions you might have.  In other programs, “Silence” is what we got when we asked a question.  This is not true at Wealthy Affiliate.  Questions will be answered by Commun9itsy members in hours ( sometimes in minutes)


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How to Build Your Own Internet Business



Have you ever thought of working at home in a full-time or even part-time position?     Are you tired of the drudgery at work?  Does your boss appreciate you?

Maybe you really do love your job and don’t plan to quit.  Could you use some extra cash to make that vacation dream come true?  Or maybe you just need that extra cash to make ends meet.  So how do I build an online business?  Please read on.

Even if your company is pretty safe from job force reduction, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to pay off those credit card debts?  How about replacing that run-down sofa the kids have battered?  A few extra hundred $$$ a month would be great, wouldn’t it?  Whatever the reason, I think almost all of us could use an extra $$$.

So how do you go about getting that extra cash? A part-time job? That means more hours away from home plus commuting,  even if it is only a few miles.  Sometimes an extra job can be very costly in terms of family relationships plus the expense of commuting, maybe work clothes, and other expenses.

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What is a Niche for Affiliate Marketing


The dictionary defines a niche: as “A place or position suitable or appropriate for a person or thing”.   What is a niche for affiliate marketing?  We will discuss this, about niches.

So what is your niche? Do you love golf? How about child care? Maybe music is your great love? Are you fascinated with the financial area?

There are many hundreds if not thousands of niches which are a distinct segment of a market, in other words, an “audience”.

When choosing a niche that fits you, you should be choosing something that is ideally an interest, a passion, or a hobby, but it could be something that you would like to learn about. You don’t need to BE an expert, you can BECOME an expert. though research and study.

Almost anything you can think of is a niche and that is why we are going to get you to choose YOUR niche based on things that you are interested in.

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What is An Internet Affiliate Marketing Program?


What is an Affiliate Program? An affiliate program is where you promote someone’s product through your own website. Your goal in affiliate programs is to earn commissions for mentioning or recommending services or products on your website.

You must have an established website already. Then you contact the company with the product and apply to be an affiliate with them. Sometimes if your website is new or not ranked very high by Google, they might refuse your website. Normally this happens because of a lack of content. So it pays to build your website with quality content first of all before contacting an affiliate.

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